The Orcas District Committee (the operating committee of the Orcas Senior Center non-profit) is thrilled to welcome six new members. Each one brings a unique set of skills and knowledge that will help us as we to continue to navigate the constantly evolving landscape of these strange times we now live.

Jennifer Hairston is a practicing attorney who is currently acting as a chief deputy at the Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Her ability to think through issues from a legal perspective is already providing clarity and consistency to several of our service areas.

Darcey Miller is an environmental consultant specializing in wetland biology. She is also an experienced volunteer coordinator with an interest in community outreach, both highly relevant skills for the Center.

Debra O’Conner is a Registered Nurse and experienced clinician of 45 years. Her passion for excellence in health education and advocacy will serve to strengthen the health and wellness offerings we can provide to our members.

Elsie Pamuk is a PhD demographer whose work has focused on health and nutritional risk factors for chronic disease. Her analytic approach to finding solutions to problems has already proven itself to be of great value to the Center in a wide variety of areas.

With a degree in Economics from Stanford University, Greg Raffelson’s multi-decade career providing business services and financial advice is strengthening the financial management capabilities of the Center.

Allan Rosato has volunteered for the Senior Center in various capacities over several years, and his experience in contracting and property management is helping us better manage our building operations.

Welcome Jennifer, Darcey, Debra, Elsie, Greg, and Allan to the Orcas Senior Center team!