Wednesday, October 25, 1 – 3 p.m., Senior Center

— from Sara Boyle for Orcas Senior Center —

Join us for a hands-on tutorial Wednesday, October 25, from 1-3 p.m. for step-by-step instructions in filling out an Advanced Directive/Living Will.

The workshop is led by RN Libby Garcia who has spent most of her career in emergency situations where she has glimpsed the near-to-last moments of many lives. After 16 years in those trenches, she worked as a hospice nurse. Bearing witness for the process of dying in these diverse settings brought her normally introverted self to speak out about planning for end of life.

You can visit to review the Advanced Directive form that we use. Copies will be available for all participants at the workshop. The class price is $10 per person. Class size is limited, so pre-register at the Orcas Senior Center front desk or by calling 360-376-2677.