— from Senator Kevin Ranker (D-Orcas Island)

Senate Democrats continue to strengthen the #bluewall, advancing critical legislation that reflects our progressive values. In only three weeks, we’ve introduced and advanced internet privacy, net neutrality, climate action, protecting the Salish Sea, protecting LGBTQ seniors from discrimination, Equal Pay Act, Reproductive Parity Act, blocking the Hobby Lobby decision in Washington, and the Reproductive Healthcare for All Act.

The Senate has already passed the Voting Rights Act, campaign finance reform, same-day voter registration, ending credit card freeze fees, capital budget, ban on conversion therapy, ending transgender bullying in schools, and breakfast after the bell.

And we’re just getting started.

Earlier this week, we made absolutely sure that every student — no matter who you are or when you came to this country — has access to college and the opportunity to succeed.

DACA students have come to be known as “Dreamers,” after the DREAM Act, a Congressional bill that would make them Americans on paper under federal law but has so far failed to pass federal legislation. The federal government may think these members of our community have an expiration date, but Washington state will stand with DREAMers. The Senate voted Wednesday to expand financial aid opportunities for DREAMers in Washington state’s higher education system, fulfilling a promise of the Washington state DREAM Act from 2014. I was honored to stand with them to hear their stories and see how successful we can be when everyone has an opportunity.Sen Ranker

Last week, we finished the capital budget after nearly a year delay. Projects that have been on hold or worried about funding can get back on track. This budget invests in our children with new classrooms, provides for homeless youth and affordable housing, and funds paychecks for more than 19,000 workers across the state.

I am excited to announce that this budget finally and permanently protects the Harriet Spanel State Forest, also known as Blanchard Mountain.

This week the Senate Energy, Environment and Technology Committee heard SB 6269, to improve Washington state’s oil spill protection to enhance our emergency teams, coordinate with Canada on cross-border management and hold companies responsible to protect our Salish Sea. Watch my testimony here:

As Senate Democrats, we are coming together to govern for the people in our communities. We will be motivated by kindness, and we will protect and respect every single Washingtonian and their fundamental human rights.

Know that it remains an incredible honor to continue to represent you in the Washington State Senate.

Please do not hesitate to call or email me with any questions you may have or issues you wish to discuss.