— from Eric Webb, Orcas Schools Superintendent —

As February comes to a close, we have seen increasing coverage in the news of the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation around the world. We have also received questions from staff and families regarding the potential impact to Orcas Island and our schools, so I thought it would be helpful to share a quick update to provide some resources and relieve concerns. Additionally, we have updated our district website by adding information and links to resources as well as answers to commonly asked questions. You may also click on THIS LINK for this information.

OISD Nurse Cindy is devoted to the health and safety of our students and I commend her for the work she has done and continues to do for our district. Cindy, our District Office Staff, and I actively work with our health department partners and other agencies to maintain response preparedness in the event a situation may arise that could potentially impact the health of our students, families, or staff.

At this time, state and federal agencies consider the immediate risk to the general public in Washington State and the United States to be low. There are currently no cases in San Juan County, nor is there any evidence of COVID-19 spreading in Washington.  As with any potentially emerging communicable disease, there is potential for the situation to evolve and change rather quickly and we continue to stay in close communication with health experts so we can be prepared to take immediate action.  

Finally, please remember that the risks of viruses like COVID-19 are not linked to race, ethnicity, or nationality. Perpetuating stigmas are not only inappropriate but do nothing to help the situation; sharing accurate information, however, promotes safety and limits the spread of communicable diseases. Every day precautions like diligent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, remaining home if feeling ill, and staying up to date with immunizations are always important measures you can take to keep your family, school, and community healthy. 

Fortunately, we have not experienced any major health-related incidents at OISD to date, and I’m confident that our staff, families, and community agencies are receiving and sharing accurate, reliable information and working together to ensure our kids are happy and healthy.   

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