Also financial news reported at April 28 meeting

— by Margie Doyle —

At the April 28 regular Orcas Island School District Board meeting, the board voted unanimously to approve a three-year contract with Superintendent Eric Webb. The contract, effective July 1, 2015 calls for an estimated cost per year to the district of $158,000, including benefits.

Eric Web signs 3-year contract as Superintendent of Orcas Island School District

Eric Web signs 3-year contract as Superintendent of Orcas Island School District

In other School Board news, Business Manager Keith Whitaker reported that the monthly fund balance was $246,000 and is “performing better on actual dollars and percentage of budget (than in previous years) … it’s tracking to have a surplus [at the end of the year.]”

With the activity report indicating that the district will spend about 97% of its budget, it shows (potential) annual savings of about $243,000, Whitaker reported.

He also reported a “slight decline” in enrollment, but that it is “not likely to go below 800 [annualized average FTE students] for the year.”

The monthly district meeting ended up with a discussion preceding the unanimous decision to purchase an new school bus. Board Member Scott Lancaster attempted to make it crystal clear that the district would be dipping into the General Fund to pay $60,000 for the bus, which would be loaned to the Transportation Budget.

Keith Whitaker said there was an option to not use general fund money, but instead to use an inter-fund loan “to recapture this year’s and next year’s depreciation payment.” This option would require a board resolution for repayment, aside from the resolution tonight to purchase a bus.

Another alternative is to run a transportation levy.

Scott Lancaster said, “We’re now going into the fund balance, and I want to have the conversation today, not at a special meeting. If we approve[the purchase] tonight, we’re agreeing to take it from this year’s fund balance.”