from the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau

The San Juan Islands Scenic Byway Partnership recently released the final report on a two-year National Scenic Byway grant project to reduce vehicle traffic on the ferries and county roads during peak summer travel periods.

The report summarizes promotion and operation of the San Juan Islands Scenic Byway Explorer Bus on Orcas and San Juan Island Byway routes during the past two summers. The grant allowed for a shuttle bus, operated by San Juan Transit, to provide service on the entire San Juan Island scenic byway route and to serve most of the scenic byway route on Orcas Island for 10 weeks both summers.

During summer 2012, 415 potential visitors completed a survey and downloaded a 2-for-1 shuttle pass; 46 of the passes were redeemed on both islands.  This summer, 686 passes were downloaded and 186 were redeemed. Between June 21 and Labor Day this summer, San Juan Transit carried an average of 127 passengers per day on San Juan Island (the highest day was 264 passengers and lowest day was 68) and an average of 9 passengers per day on Orcas Island (the highest day was 59 passengers and lowest was 2; two factors are important to note: the shuttle schedule coincided with the inter-island ferry, and a majority of riders were boaters mooring at Deer Harbor or Rosario who wanted to visit Eastsound).

A downloadable 2-for-1 bus pass, as incentive for ridership once a short survey was completed, was marketed in the greater Seattle area by the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau. As a result, organizers gathered valuable information through pre and post-travel surveys. Visitors who redeemed vouchers asserted the bus service was an attractive and decisive factor in choosing to come to the San Juan Islands. The surveys also showed that income was not a factor for those who chose to ride the bus, and that wanting to spend less time in the car and more time in the islands was cited by 44% of respondents.  Over a third of the respondents thought the program reflected an “environmental/sustainable/socially responsible thing to do.”

The Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Centers on Orcas and San Juan Islands saw a marked increase in the number of visitors who came specifically asking for shuttles and schedules. The San Juan Island Chamber also saw increases in visitors without transportation that were thrilled to discover the Byway Bus service on the island, making the highlights on the San Juan Island Byway accessible.

The project helped demonstrate that a seasonal shuttle is an effective tool in reducing vehicle traffic in summer months, especially on key weekends (July 4th, Labor Day), and for large events (Doe Bay Fest, San Juan County Fair), however, operational costs of seasonal transit exceed what a marketable farebox rate can generate.

Locally, outreach and essay contests showed a need for transportation alternatives for residents without vehicles and a desire to reduce their carbon footprint. In looking at other visitor-impacted locales, transportation examples showed that seasonal outreach could be integrated with other existing transportation services, servicing local rider needs as well as accommodating visitors.

Transit on the islands is an essential component to complete a vehicle-free/walk-on option from Anacortes or even more distant places of origin. Further study is required to ascertain the extent to which a free bus would be a significant incentive for visitors to leave their cars behind when they visit the San Juan Islands Scenic Byway. The report provides a blueprint for policymakers interested in further expanding public transit in the county.

To read the full report, prepared by Scenic Byway Project Coordinator Liz Illg, with input from the Scenic Byway Partnership, go to:  (Liz is on sabbatical but will return to San Juan Island on October 22 to make a presentation to the San Juan County Council.)