Sara Thomsen, Orcas Islander who now lives in Seattle and Argentina, will return to give dance lessons and performances this summer

Register now for first classes starting this weekend.

Sara Thomsen has traveled the country teaching and performing tango, salsa, and swing.

She has assisted some of the best dancers in the world in workshops and is delighted to bring it back to the island where she grew up. With over 16 years of experience she will help novice and experienced dancers to discover deep and passionate connection to the tango and swing.
Summer Dates for Sara’s classes (held at the Odd Fellows Hall) are:
• May 29th and 30th workshops
• June 26th and 27th workshops

The culminating events will be a reprise of last summer’s sold-out Tango Soirée at Roses Café on July 10, followed by a performance at Orcas Center’s Black Box Theatre on July 11. Featured in the Black Box performance will be the dynamic group Tango En Vie.

Odd Fellows Hall classes and Weekend workshops are scheduled for this weekend,  May 29th and 30th,  with the following schedule:

  • Saturday, May 29
    12:30-2 p.m. West Coast Swing basics
    7-8:30 p.m.  Tango essential movements
  • Sunday, May 30
    12:30-2  p.m. West Coast swing variations
    7-8:30 p.m. Tango turns

The cost per class is $15 individual, $25 per couple. All 4 classes are
$50 individual, $90 per couple. Those interested in any classes should pre-register via email to, or by calling  206-354-5266

Sara Thomsen also offers private lessons  in salsa, tango, ballroom and swing. For more information, go to

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