from San Olson, Member of the Steering Committee
San Juans Alliance

THE SAN JUANS ALLIANCE is an alliance of organizations in the San Juan Islands:

  • Lopez NO COALition
  • Orcas NO COALition
  • Friends of the San Juans
  • San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping

The San Juans Alliance recently released a White Paper entitled The Salish Sea Imperiled: A Community Response to Increased Coal Transport Around the San Juan Islands. (Click for full report.)

Salish Sea

Salish Sea

The San Juan Islands’ environment, health, and economy are threatened by increases in coal shipments — more than 50 million tons per year — from the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal (GPT) at Cherry Point, Washington. Plans are to ship this amount of coal annually on 487 massive Panamax and Capesize vessels through our narrow, already heavily trafficked, and navigationally challenging waterways.2

This white paper reflects the evidence-based concerns of the San Juans Alliance, a diverse group of San Juan Islands’ citizens who call these islands home. We worry a lot about the likely adverse impacts on our community of a single mishap involving a vessel transporting over 100,000 tons of coal and carrying 1.2 million gallons of bunker fuel.

The purpose of this paper is to alert and inform our community, policymakers, and anyone concerned about preserving and protecting one of the most beautiful places on Earth about the potential deleterious consequences of coal shipments through the Salish Sea to Asian markets. This activity may greatly profit a few; it also can bring great harm to many of us.

The comprehensive and well-researched report addresses the following topics:

  • VESSEL TRAFFIC: How Many? How Big???!!!
  • UNDERWATER NOISE IMPACTS: Turn Down the Sound!
  • INCREASED SHIPPING: Higher Risk of Oil Spills
  • INCREASED SHIPPING: Oil Spill Risk to the Orcas
  • THE ACTION: What You Can Do Now