Amateur and professional photographers are invited to enter the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau’s first photo contest.  Deadline for submissions is May 13, with chosen images to be considered for use in the upcoming redesign of our website and other promotional materials.

Photos will be judged on their ability to communicate the subjects of residents and visitors enjoying the many activities and attractions on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands, as well as our “sense of place” and a more relaxed way of life in the Islands and on the water.

Three winners will be announced on May 27.  The grand prize recipient will win a fall/winter/spring getaway including two tickets aboard Kenmore Air from Seattle, two nights at Earthbox Motel & Spa in Friday Harbor, dinner for two at Coho Restaurant, and a gift basket from Pelindaba Lavender.  Second and third prize winners will receive San Juan Islands gift baskets full of items contributed by island businesses.  Photographs selected for the website will be credited on the website and contributing photographers will be eligible for inclusion in a special section of the website.

Contest rules, desired subject categories, specs, tips and prizes can be found at , a special page for the contest on the Visitors Bureau website.