— from San Juan County Communications —

The Washington State Department of Ecology installed a mobile air quality monitoring station near the County Administration building on January 7th.  This air quality monitoring station will monitor for PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 microns).  

Particulate matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they can be inhaled deep into your lungs and cause health problems. Of these, particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, also known as fine particles or PM2.5, pose the greatest risk to health.  Sources of particulate matter are emissions from vehicles, unpaved roads, wood burning fire places, industry emissions, and wildfires.

The County does not have any permanent air quality monitors, and generally it is believed that due to weather patterns and data from nearby monitors that our air quality is healthy.  However, the County requested that a portable monitor be sited here to verify these assumptions.  The monitor will be in the County through May 2019.  You can view the monitor in real time at the Department of Ecology Washington Air Monitoring Network website which shows all the air quality monitors across the State.