— from David Turnoy, Vice Chair of the San Juan County Democrats for Orcas Island —

In the race for Washington State’s 2nd Congressional District seat, the San Juan County Democrats have unanimously voted to endorse independent Mike Lapointe over incumbent Democrat Rick Larsen for the Aug. 5 primary election. The main factor in this decision is disappointment with the incumbent’s failure to adequately address two of the primary concerns in the San Juan Islands, namely the environmental and economic consequences of building a coal terminal and then shipping massive amounts of coal through the waters of the islands, and the quality-of-life and health-destroying noise of the Navy’s growler jets.

Instead of endorsing our corporate-funded incumbent, we are excited to endorse Mike Lapointe, an independent candidate of the people who accepts no corporate contributions. He has demonstrated a far greater openness and responsiveness to our concerns and has made himself available to discuss these with us. Mike will fight against the coal terminal and the growler jets, and he will also fight for green jobs to replace fossil fuel-related jobs. Mike is actually more true to our Democratic Party platform than the incumbent Democrat Larsen; Mike Lapointe represents our values.

In a unique attempt to include as many Democrats as possible in the endorsement process, the San Juan County Democrats held endorsement meetings on Orcas, Lopez, and San Juan Islands. Both Mike Lapointe and Rep. Larsen were invited; Mike showed up at each of the three meetings, while Rep. Larsen did not attend nor did any of his surrogates. In each of the three meetings, not one Democrat voted to endorse Rep. Larsen; in fact, no one even wanted to nominate him. Conversely, all 50 Democrats present at the meetings voted to endorse Mike Lapointe.

It is also worth noting that a week ago at the 40th Legislative District gathering of Democrats, endorsements were on the agenda there too.  Mike Lapointe had not been added to the slate of candidates to be considered, so there was no opportunity to vote for him, meaning the issue in the 2nd Congressional District race was simply an up-or-down vote on Rep. Larsen. The assembled group voted overwhelmingly not to endorse Congressman Larsen.

It is time for San Juan County and District 2 to be represented by someone who cares about the people and the environment of this wonderful region. The San Juan County Democrats urge a vote in the primary for Mike Lapointe for Congress in the 2nd district.