From Bryan Thomas
Communications Director for Rep. Rick Larsen

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, [on July 9] co-sponsored legislation to bring jobs back to the United States by rewarding companies that in-source jobs and closing loopholes for out-sourcers. The Bring Jobs Home Act would create a 20 percent tax credit for costs associated with moving a production line, trade or business back to the United States and would close loopholes that benefit companies that out-source jobs.

“I stand with the workers in Everett today who want to bring jobs home,” Larsen said. “I am supporting the Bring Jobs Home Act because passing it would mean more jobs right here in Northwest Washington. We need to reverse the incentive that encourages companies to ship their jobs overseas, and instead push them to invest more here. It is time to stop out-sourcing and start in-sourcing.

“Northwest Washington is home to some of the most skilled manufacturing workers of the nation. I know our workers will prosper on a level playing field. This bill will help them do just that.”