Author's Tea at Warm Valley Orchard (L to R) Athena Sack, Zoe Miller, Rhema Miller, Sadie Kongorski

Author’s Tea at Warm Valley Orchard
(L to R) Athena Sack, Zoe Miller, Rhema Miller, Sadie Kongorski

From Sandi Harris

March is the annual Reading Month Celebration at Orcas Christian School, when students work hard to focus on reading and writing.

Some of the events that the students participated in were, The Grange Plays, The Round Robin Reading Day, Reading Buddies and the Author’s Tea at Warm Valley Orchard. This year’s Author’s Tea was a great success as students of all ages gathered to share books that they worked on all month. Each book was authored and illustrated by the students in grades K-8. Students who reached their class goal of reading for the month will celebrate in Friday Harbor with a fun day of bowling on April 5th!