Saturday, September, 27, 9:30 a.m., Lopez Ferry Dock

San Juan Island Sunday, September, 28, 8:15 a.m., Whale Museum

( New Openings on Islands Boat Trip, Sunday, September 28 Boat Trip, Friday Harbor at 11:30 a.m.)

 — from Barbara Jensen —

You never know what you'll see!

You never know what you’ll see!

September means birds in migration  and a great time to see birds passing through and arriving for the winter. To celebrate, San Juan Islands Audubon is offering a boat trip and two field trips.

Lopez Trip Saturday, September, 27: Meet at the Lopez ferry dock at 9:30 and the trip ends about 1pm.

San Juan Island Sunday, September, 28: Meet at The Whale Museum 8:15 and will end about 11:15 am.

As usual, we will be carpooling, dress for the weather, bring sack lunch or snacks and your optics. Both field trips are free.

Islands Boat Trip, Sunday, September 28: and leaves Friday Harbor at 11:30 am and will be out about three hours. Price is $70. You must register ahead as seating is limited.

Call Barb Jensen, 378-3068 for information or if you are going to attend so we can keep track of numbers and for car pooling.