Thursday, March 20 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Orcas Senior Center

— from San Juan County Community Development and Planning Department —

The San Juan County Community Development and Planning Department will host an Orcas Island workshop to provide information on, and answer questions about, the recently adopted critical area regulations that become effective March 31, 2014. The workshop focus is on aspects of the regulations that need to be considered in review of most development applications and the sections of regulations with significant changes.

The ordinance may be reviewed at

Critical areas include areas subject to flooding or with geologic hazards, wetlands, and certain types of fish and wildlife habitat. Fish and wildlife habitat includes certain marine shorelines, lakes, natural ponds, streams, and habitats associated with particular plants and animals.

Please RSVP your intended attendance to so that we may provide adequate seating and presentation materials.

Please join us!