First Community Forum of 2011″Draws the Line”

Do you have concerns about underage drinking? Do you wonder if we have a drug problem here on Orcas?  Do you have questions about law enforcement or the legal ramifications for violation of “social hosting” laws.  What are the consequences for adults when then supply youth with alcohol or drugs?  Is there enough enforcement on Orcas? What can the community do?

Please join Orcas Island Prevention Partnership for the first Community Forum of 2011 featuring newly elected Sheriff Rob Nou and San Juan County Prevention Coordinator, Dr. Steve Gresham, as we kick off the local DRAW THE LINE  – between Youth and Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs campaign.

This is a time for concerned parents and adults in the community to get up to date information about the effects of alcohol and drugs on the human brain, learn about law enforcement’s commitment to prevention and intervention, as well as the consequences of supplying substance to youth, “social hosting”, drinking and driving, and an update on alcohol and drug abuse on Orcas.  There will be time for participants to raise questions, discuss concerns and, most importantly, mobilize for action.

Sunday, January 23rd at the Orcas Senior Center, 3-5 pm.  This free event is open to the public, childcare will be provided.  Be a part of the solution!

More information is posted on the Prevention Partnership (OIPP) website at

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