— from Ethna Flanagan —

San Juan County’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP, pronounced E-cap) is Washington State’s family-focused preschool program modeled on the federal Head Start Program. ECEAP has been preparing 3 and 4 year olds for success in school and life since 1985.

There are 39 preschool positions subcontracted to four preschools in San Juan County; On Orcas: Kaleidoscope (full- day positions), Children’s House, and Montessori (part-day positions). Lopez Children’s Center also has part-day positions. Head Start is available on San Juan Island.

The Department of Early Learning sets high standards for ECEAP preschools. The subcontracted preschools are State licensed, abide by rigorous ECEAP Performance Standards and have successfully completed an arduous Early Achievers rating review through the University of Washington.

ECEAP is available to families earning less than 110% of the Federal Poverty Level (2016 FPL; $26,730 for a family of 4), children with disabilities, children in foster care, families involved with CPS/FAR/other family stressors.

If you are interested to learn more about available preschool positions please contact; Ethna Flanagan, San Juan County ECEAP Coordinator, PH: 360.370.0593 EMAIL: ethnaf@sanjuanco.com.