— from Kim Kimple for Port of Orcas —

The Port of Orcas has scheduled a special meeting for Monday, June 29. Agenda follows.

  • Meeting Link
  • Meeting ID: 889 2432 2976
  • Password: 060498
  • One tap mobile
  • +12532158782,,88924322976#,,,,0#,,060498#

SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA — June 29, 2020, 5 p.m.

  • CALL TO ORDER – 5:00 p.m.
  • Correspondence
  • Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing applicants for public employment in accordance with RCW42.35.110(1)(g)
  • Discussion and action on Selection of Port Manager
  • Discussion and action on increasing Administrative Clerk hours
  • Resolution of Surplus Property and Authorizing Disposal
  • Adjournment

NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting, Thursday, July 9, 5 p.m.