— from JoEllen Moldoff —

JoEllen Moldoff will facilitate a class, “Poetry Everywhere”  for six Tuesdays, beginning September 12th from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Library

“Poetry is a conversation with the world; poetry is a conversation with the words on the page in which you allow those words to speak back to you; and poetry is a conversation with yourself.” Naomi Shihab Nye

“…poetry can break open locked chambers of possibility, restore numbed zones to feeling, recharge desire.” Adrienne Rich

This class is for folks who write poetry, love to read poetry and those who are curious about poetry. We will focus on 20th and 21st Century poets who are accessible, expressive, stimulating and enjoyable to read and discuss.

Writing prompts will be offered to “prime the pump” . We will read and discuss poems from the point of view of how the poem works, in order to gain insight into the craft of poetry and to encourage new, fresh writing. All you need is paper, pen and a willingness to experience, explore and be surprised!

All are welcome.

If you would like to participate in this class, please respond to moldoff@rockisland.com. Minimum class size is 10.

Fee: $20 for library donation and copying costs. Payable at first session. Cash or check to JoEllen Moldoff.

JoEllen Moldoff has been teaching/facilitating poetry classes on Orcas and Lopez for over 15 years.