Friday Sept. 16 at 8:30 a.m. in Friday Harbor

The San Juan County Planning Commission will meet Friday, September 16 at the San Juan Island Grange, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. Travelers from Orcas, Shaw and Lopez islands traveling on the  will be able to attend the meeting in time

The agenda calls for the following:

8:30 a.m. Administrative Items

• Update from Chair, Susan Dehlendorf
• Update from Planning, Shireene Hale
• Update from Housing Bank Subcommittee, Colin Maycock
• Update from EPRC, Colin Maycock
• Approval of Minutes – August 10, 2011 and  August 19, 2011

8:45 a.m. Public hearing and deliberations on an Ordinance regarding regulations for Wetland Critical Areas; Amending Sections 18.20, 18.10.040, and 18.30.150 of the San Juan County  Code and Repealing Appendices A-C of SJCC 18.30.150

12:00 p.m.  Time approximate for lunch break.

1:00 p.m. Time approximate depending on lunch break. Continuation of any hearing, workshop, and administrative items, if necessary, and adjournment to take place when agenda items have been completed or continued.

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