Friday, September 22, 6:30 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Brad Brown for Planned Parenthood —

An estimated one in five American women has relied on Planned Parenthood for care in her lifetime.

Though recent and on-going political controversies over the role of Planned Parenthood within the scope of our country’s health care system have again placed “defunding” of this health service non-profit on the agenda, nationwide surveys continue to show strong support for Planned Parenthood’s efforts.

Twenty U.S. polls show opposition to Congressional efforts to limit patient access to Planned Parenthood services. As well, state and local attempts to restrict Planned Parenthood services have run into opposition from those states’ citizens, according to a dozen key state polls.

The issue of abortion is fundamental to defunding attempts by Congress, while the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision has a 70 percent approval, according to Pew, Quinnipiac and Bloomberg polls. It is one of the most well-researched and resolved public attitude issues.

Less than 3 percent of Planned Parenthood services are abortion related.

Linda McCarthy is the executive director of the Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood in Bellingham. It is Whatcom-, Skagit-, and San Juan Counties-based and is sanctioned by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, which has 56 unique, locally governed affiliates nationwide operating more than 600 health centers, which reflect the diverse needs of their communities. Mt Baker’s clinic also operates the Friday Harbor Health Center on San Juan Island. According to McCarthy, in 2016 alone about 6,000 people used the Bellingham clinic’s services. These services include cancer screening, contraception and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Nationally, Planned Parenthood served more than 2.5 million patients last year.

“Anyone can come to our offices, it doesn’t matter where they come from,” McCarthy notes.

Linda McCarthy will be in Eastsound, Orcas Island on Friday, September 22 to present an update on Planned Parenthood nationally, statewide, and locally. This event is the sixth in a series of health care public presentations organized by Our Revolution – San Juan County (OR-SJC), an affiliate of the national Our Revolution organizing and education movement which germinated out of the Bernie Sanders for President campaign in 2016.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”#778899″ class=”” size=””]Anyone can come to our offices, it doesn’t matter where they come from.[/perfectpullquote]

Our Revolution’s goals are to revitalize American democracy, empower progressive leaders and elevate the political consciousness.

The Health Care #6 event will take place at the Orcas Fire Hall across from the airport on Mt Baker Road beginning at 6:30 p.m.

McCarthy will present her and the clinic’s information update and answer questions from the community.

All are invited and there is no charge.

For further information, contact OR-SJC health care working group leader Brad Brown at 360/298-2840.