Common Sense Alliance urges you to become informed regarding the CAO

Friday Sept. 16 at 8:45 a.m. in Friday Harbor

From the Common Sense Alliance

Your right to use your property is at risk. Get the facts!

The County is currently deciding how to update its Critical Areas Ordinance .  Find out how proposed new regulations will restrict your use and enjoyment of your property, and tell your Council representative what you think!

The next opportunity to comment in person is before the Planning Commission Public Hearing on the draft Wetlands Section, Friday, September 16, at 8:45 a.m., at the Grange, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor.

Find out how proposed new regulations will impact your property.  To see the draft visit, and follow these links—Special Projects, Critical Areas Ordinance, Notices & Documents, CAO Meeting-related materials, “Proposed Ordinance Regarding Regulations for Wetland Critical Areas.”

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