Art book created by Philomena Robinson, who will instruct others to create their own books on Jan. 22 and 29.

Philomena Robinson will teach an artist’s book class at Orcas Library on two Saturdays in January – the 22nd and 29th – from 1:00 to 4:45 p.m. (to accommodate the library and ferry schedules).  Limit 10 participants.

Both sessions will present different book structures and types of content. The first session will focus on non-adhesive bindings and generate an assignment to be presented at the second session or any future session.

Robinson says, “Artist’s Books can be anything – sculpture, wall-hanging, mobile, or whatever
you can envision. They can pop-up, fold out, or spiral out and can contain painting, drawing, paper-cuts, photographs, collage, feathers, bones, or bugs. Your imagination is the only limitation.”

Philomena Robinson has a Masters Degree in Book Arts from Columbia College.

The cost of these two sessions will depend on the number of participants and be a materials fee only. Sign up for  one or both sessions and send a check for $20, for materials, by January 8th to:

Philomena Robinson
2210 Enchanted Forest Road
Eastsound, WA 98245

Contact Robinson at

If the cost is less per person, Robinson will refund part of the fee or apply it to a future class.

The series will continue when time and space is available (1/2 day, full day or weekend).  Each session will be independent – focusing on structure and content.  It is not necessary to take all classes but what is learned in each class can be applied to those that follow.

Future classes may be advertised by the library. The fee per session will allow for a percentage to go to the library.

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