Wednesday, October 25, 5 p.m., Orcas School Cafeteria

— from Lorena Stankevich —

Students receiving awards for being safe in the month of September – a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program in Orcas Elementary School

Join the Orcas Island Elementary staff and community members on Wednesday, October 25, at 5 p.m. in the cafeteria for celebration and support. Dinner and childcare included.

Parents can learn ways to support their students learning through Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS). PBIS is a system utilized by Orcas Island Elementary School to provide social, emotional, and behavior supports to students that will help improve academic outcomes.

Parents play a crucial role in helping their children be successful in school. When parents and schools work together, students achieve higher levels of success. Some topics for the night include:

  • Essentials for Parenting Pre-schoolers-Amber Paulsen
  • The Joy of Reading-Glenda Smith
  • Juggling Underwater:  Single Parenting & Step Parenting-Sandi Burt
  • Playtime with your Kids-Margie Sabine
  • SAFE San Juans-Alison Sanders
  • Choices and Chores-Lorena Stankevich
  • It’s All Sensory-Kristi Bilgren

Funhouse staff will be providing FREE childcare for 3 years old and over. Family dinner provided by Orcas Elementary.

RSVP by email to Lorena Stankevich at

Orcas Island Elementary School is housed in the Nellie S. Milton Building, the historic home to the Orcas Island School District. Today Preschool through 5th grade students begin their educational experience in this classic school building. Both the Milton Building and the 100+ year old maple tree, in front of the school, are community landmarks.