
Here’s a thought…

“Trump is a poor person’s idea of a rich man, a weak person’s idea of a strong man, and a stupid person’s idea of a smart man.”

Attributed to MICHAEL MOORE


    The Exchange Update: March 2025

    March 20th, 2025|

    ||| FROM ORCAS RECYCLING/THE EXCHANGE ||| How “Tiny Orcas Island” is Helping Change the World Former ORS/The Exchange Board Member, Toby Cooper, recently wrote an article published by the Salish Current on how the city of Bellingham is exploring the use of our crushed glass in their sidewalks. Read the

      Amadeus film coming to Orcas Center

      March 20th, 2025|

      ||| FROM SAM GAILEY for ORCAS ISLAND LIBRARY ||| AMADEUS, the 1984 film about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, won eight Academy Awards. For good reason. Best Picture, as well as Best Actor, Director, Screenplay, and more. This brilliantly crafted film tells the partially true, partially imagined story of Mozart and his

        Governor Ferguson throws environmentalists under the bus

        March 20th, 2025|

        ||| FROM OLYMPIC PENINSULA ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS ||| Governor Ferguson has had his first major controversy, over a relatively little known agency called the Fish and Wildlife Commission. While this commission is small and not well known, it is crucial in setting the direction for the department of Fish and Wildlife.

          Spring sailing schedule starts Sunday

          March 20th, 2025|

          ||| FROM WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES ||| Our spring sailing schedule starts this Sunday, March. 23 and lasts through June 14.  We’ll begin a new spring schedule for the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route this year, following a collaborative schedule update process with the community. The first round of schedule updates was

            The Whale Museum welcomes new executive director

            March 20th, 2025|

            ||| FROM CONOR AGNEW for THE WHALE MUSEUM ||| Mike and Jeanne Kuperberg The Whale Museum is pleased to welcome Dr. Mike Kuperberg as our new executive director. Dr. Kuperberg will be bringing his decades of scientific and administrative expertise to lead The Whale Museum into an exciting

              Get ready for Orca Action Month 2025

              March 19th, 2025|

              ||| FROM REIN ATTEMANN for WASHINGTON CONSERVATION ACTION ||| It’s that time again!  June is Orca Action Month in the Pacific Northwest, and the Orca Salmon Alliance is looking forward to all kinds of activities throughout the region. Orca Action Month (a.k.a Orca Month) is an annual series of events

                OCS guitar class strikes a chord at St. Patrick’s Day parade

                March 19th, 2025|

                ||| FROM ORCAS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ||| In a vibrant display of talent and enthusiasm, the Orcas Christian School (OCS) guitar class, led by their dedicated teacher, Mr. Rivera, participated in the St. Patrick's Day parade Monday. The students showcased their musical skills, captivating the audience with their lively performance. The

                  San Juan County’s affordable housing Spring roundup

                  March 19th, 2025|

                  ||| FROM SAN JUAN COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS ||| San Juan County’s Home Fund is now in its seventh year of existence since voters approved it back in 2018. This program contributes funding towards the creation and preservation of affordable housing funded by a Real Estate Excise tax (REET), and a 1/10th

                    Russel Barsh Kwiaht Talk at Odd Fellows Hall

                    March 18th, 2025|

                    ||| FROM DIDIER GINCIG for ORCAS ODD FELLOWS HALL ||| Russel Barsh Russel Barsh, director of Kwiáht, a nonprofit conservation biology laboratory in and for the San Juan Islands of Washington State, will be offering a talk at the Odd Fellows Hall on Sunday, March 23 from 3:00-4:30. He will speak

                      Drop-in peer grief support group at Orcas Senior Center

                      March 18th, 2025|

                      ||| FROM LENA KASSA for ORCAS SENIOR CENTER ||| Join us for a supportive, non-judgmental space to process grief and mourning with the Drop-In Peer Grief Support Group Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. at Orcas Senior Center. This group is designed to help normalize your feelings, facilitate healing, and provide understanding.

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