By Sandi Burt

Sandi Burt, MSW, together with Suzanne Olson and Shelly Carlson, are launching “Our Whole Lives” (OWL), an exciting, comprehensive sexuality education program for 7th through 9th graders. The project is funded by the Orcas LGBT Community, and is partnered with many island businesses and organizations, including the Orcas Family Health Center, Orcas Island Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Island Reproductive Health Initiative, DVSAS, Office Cupboard, and Mia’s Café. There is space for ten students to participate in the class, which begins October 30 and includes two weekend retreats at Four Winds Camp and Sunday evening sessions from 7-8:30pm through March.

The curriculum, developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association, is meant to be a more personalized, comprehensive addition to the FLASH curriculum taught in the public schools, and offers students opportunities to clarify in a small group setting their own views and values about healthy sexuality.  OWL program values include self worth, sexual health, responsibility, justice, and inclusivity.

Each session incorporates fun activities which encourage students to solidify their own understanding of personal sexual choices. It gives both boys and girls opportunities to cross gender lines to more openly and comfortably discuss sexuality.  The program includes professional guest speakers from the community, as well as members of the LGBT Community, to widen the spectrum of trusted local adults to whom students can reach out for communication about sexuality.

“Much of my professional career as a clinical social worker has been working with survivors of sexual assault and abuse,” said Burt. “I am excited to be teaching sexuality from a positive perspective. This includes not only protection from unplanned pregnancies, STIs, and abusive or exploitive sexuality. It means honoring young people as they begin developing into sexually mature – and hopefully sexually healthy – adults. It means giving them solid information and skills way beyond ‘just say no-‘ skills that can help them be more clear and sure when they say ‘yes,’ to what is truly good and right for them.

The program is free of charge. An orientation is offered for parents Thursday September 29 at 7pm in the OPALCO Meeting Room. Call Sandi with questions or to register your child at 376-7119.