A spectacular HDR (High Dynamic Range) Panorama, one of two created by Nick Van Maren that will be in the show at the Orcas Center.

Two student art shows are open today, with the public invited to view the work of young Orcas Islanders in a variety of media.

There is a show with “tons of beautiful colorful art,” in the words of Martin Taylor, island photographer, by elementary school students in the Orcas Island Elementary School. The show opens  with the public being invited to come in and view the work from 3 to 5 p.m.

At Orcas Center,  a show of high school and middle school age student art from all island schools begins with an opening reception from 7 to 9 p.m. this evening.  There will be pot-luck food, drink and live musical entertainment.

The show includes exciting work in multiple media including sculpture, paintings, drawings and photography. The show will be displayed through the end of May.

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