Given the complexities of school district accounting, Business Manager Keith Whitaker was able to report to the Orcas Island School District (OISD) board that he had “closed out” the 2010-2011 academic year with an ending general fund balance of $196,092, as of August 31,  2011.

Whitaker reported to the Board on Nov. 15 that the fund had increased to $348,092 as of October 31, 2011. This balance shows a 5.2 percent growth. Board Member Scott Lancaster noted that the target growth for the general fund is  5.75 percent.

Enrollment in the school district, (which forms the basis for public school funding), is at 614,  “marginally” above the projected figure set last spring in the beginning of the budget process, said Whitaker.

Whitaker used a new finance report format, the result of negotiations with the board at its annual retreat on October 29. He said that the new format saves about three hours of worktime, and uses advanced capabilities of the accounting system put in place a year ago.

The Orcas Education Association (OEA) reminded those in attendance at the meeting that Governor Gregoire has called the State Legislature into special session on Nov. 28, to address the budget shortfall. Gregoire has proposed an “across the board” cut to all state departments.

In light of that development, the Teachers Association proposed that all supporters of public education “Wear Red for Ed” on Monday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 28. A group photo shoot will take place under the school maple tree, at a time to be decided.

The Booster Club informed the board that it has raised the $11,000 need for the basketball program, which began this month. The Orcas Island Education Foundation contributed $5,000 towards that goal; the community raised the additional funds. Coaching stipends for the high school of $5,000 were stipulated in the Education Foundation’s contribution; additional funds are to be used for transportation, referee fees and additional stipends for both the High school and Middle school programs.

The sports teams and Booster Club continue to raise funds for basketball equipment and for spring sports: golf, baseball and softball.