The Orcas Island School District (OISD) Board of Directors decided last night to seek a  bond amount of $27 million.

OISD Board Member Janet Brownell said that cuts to the original bond amount of $35 million, rejected by 45 percent of voters in last February’s election are:

  • No work to Track and Field
  • No work to tennis courts
  • Existing Elementary building windows to remain (although this might change pending another energy grant)
  • Reduce scope of Old Gym to minimal improvements
  • Reduce by half (or more) the administration office costs
  • Reduce original Furnishing, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E ) allowance by half

“With attendant reductions to the Margins and Adjustments above and reduction in indirect costs…we’re at $27 million,” Brownell said.

There will be a discussion of terms at the School Board’s public meeting on Wednesday, May 12 at 5:30 p.m., and the resolution for the August election is scheduled to be signed.

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