Orcas Park & Recreation District Progress Report to Community May 2011

By Martha Farish

In February 2011 Orcas Island voters approved funding for the Orcas Island Park and Recreation District  (OIPRD).  The first half of annual tax distributions will begin in May 2012.  To begin legal operations, provide a few essential programs, cover insurance costs, and capitalize on a unique granting opportunity through the United States Tennis Association, the Commissioners have sought loan funding for the “interim” period of June 2011-12.


If a loan is secured under favorable terms and conditions the commissioners plan to begin operations as early as June 2011. The loan would be completely repaid within the first four years of the six years of voter approved funding.


First quarter progress on behalf of OIPRD includes:

  • Set up of Federal, State and County registration and auditing protocols. OIPRD’s legal mailing address is PO Box 575, Eastsound, WA  98245.
  • Surveyed Orcas Island recreational activities, facilities and insurance needs for the Spring-Fall 2011 season.
  • Researched similar-sized, non-local Parks and Rec District policies and programs and interviewed Executive Directors to determine best practices.
  • Obtained pro bono legal consultation on policies and procedures.
  • Took testimony from a variety of local programs seeking OIPRD sponsorship and/or funding.
  • Applied for an Orcas Island Community Foundation grant to cover Enduris municipal insurance for OIPRD sponsored activities.
  • Contacted the United States Tennis Association and negotiated a favorable combined grant/loan package for the purposes of repairing and enhancing the Buck Park courts.
  • Entered into concurrent negotiations with both a commercial and public vendor for a loan package for OIPRD to cover June 2011-12 operations.
  • Created a 5-year OIPRD budget spreadsheet detailing operations, activities and repairs against a “worst case scenario” loan, with payback term of no more than 40 months.
  • Convened a Financial Oversight Committee of business and non-profit leaders to review and give comment on the OIPRD loan/budget strategy.
  • Developed guidelines and ratings system for evaluating office space and partnering opportunities for “shared” staffing for the interim June 2011-12 funding period.
  • Developed a budget policy to govern borrowing funds during the “interim” year and thereafter.
  • Established a committee to begin evaluating online registration, sign-up and payment options when using recreational facilities sponsored by, or contracted through, the OIPRD.
  • Began discussions with the Orcas Island School District on the governance and management plan for Buck Park.

If you have questions or comments on any of the above please contact :  Martha Farish at mfarishster@gmail.com .