The Orcas Island Park and Rec District (OIPRD) has successfully placed a property tax levy request on the November ballot, which will be mailed to Orcas Island voters this Friday, Oct. 15. The[intlink id=”5854″ type=”post”] district was approved[/intlink], though not funded, by voters in November 2009. Until funded, the District is not allowed to negotiate for facilities or enter into contracts, according to their statement in the online Voters Guide. (To view this proposition and statements for and against, go to OnlineVotersGuide and scroll down to last link).

“The proposed $0.10 per thousand of assessed value ($3/month for a $360K home) is budgeted after careful consideration and collaboration with potential community partners. The budget provides for set up and administration of OIPRD, operations and programming similar to, but not limited by, those provided by the former “Orcas Rec” program.

“Also included are continued programming opportunities for all age groups like adult basketball, volleyball, swimming, baseball, a variety of activities for teens and children, as well as funding to help repair, maintain and manage the fields, tennis courts, skateboard park and facilities of Buck Park.

“Buck Park and the Skateboard Park, donated by generous private citizens, are currently being maintained by the financially challenged school district. Funding a local Park and Rec District gives us the opportunity to locally oversee our Rec program and manage our donated community assets to greater use and effect. Establishing our capacity to locally control our parks and recreation in the future is the promise of this levy proposal.”

OIPRD Commissioners released a “Frequently Asked Questions” sheet that says,

“The [levy] increase is expected to generate about $279,000 in the year 2011 and future increases are subject to the limit factor set out in RCW Chapter 84.55.

The six “Frequently Asked Questions” are reprinted here below:

1.Didn’t we already vote on an Orcas Island Park and Rec District (OIPRD)?

Yes. Last November, 72% of Orcas voters approved the formation of the District and elected 5 volunteer commissioners, but not its funding.  Since then these Commissioners, via public meetings, have worked to create a budget for proposed recreational programs, services, maintenance and repair of facilities that they feel make sense to be included in the proposed budget. (View budget at You are being asked to approve 10 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value.

2. How much will this cost me?

If you don’t own property, nothing.  If you own property on Orcas, you’ll pay $5/month for a $600,000 property assessment.  It will be paid by all property owners, including non-residents.  After the life of this levy expires, which will be in six years, the cost will reset back to zero, unless the public votes to extend it at that time.

3. What are we paying for?

You are paying for programs that have proven their value and popularity to a wide variety of people on Orcas. Outdoor programs like tennis, soccer, baseball, volleyball, sailing, basketball and swimming; indoor programs that give kids a constructive place to be after school and on weekends and chances for adults to play basketball or volleyball in a gym throughout the winter. You’re also paying for the opportunity for adults, seniors and kids to take classes in subjects like computers, music and art.

4. How did you come up with your budget?

In the months since the formation of the District, the Commissioners have looked at community recreational needs, what has worked in the past, what programs seem essential, and where we could gain financial efficiencies by working to mutual advantage with other community partners.  We determined likely costs for repairing Buck Park and resurfacing the tennis courts. We built a budget that will address the current needs and yet will be solid and flexible enough to respond to opportunities as they arise.

5. Why is Buck Park part of the budget?

Buck Park was a substantial gift to the community that wasn’t originally intended to be owned nor maintained by the school district.  It agreed to accept it when it was donated as there were few other alternatives at the time, with the understanding that it would eventually be maintained by public monies.  Because the school district is primarily focused on educating our children and has its own significant budgetary challenges, Buck Park is understandably not one of its highest priorities and its upkeep and maintenance consequently suffer substantially. We are proposing that the community take financial responsibility, through the Park and Rec District to help repair and maintain this valuable community asset.

6. Would these programs and services be better provided by a non-profit?

There are over 60 non-profits on Orcas doing yeoman’s work for the community, all vying for precious donor support. None have the mission of providing broad recreational opportunities to the community-at-large and none are financially able to assume maintenance and repair of public facilities.  As of next month, the County has announced they will no longer fund Orcas Rec programs and the facilities mentioned are also in jeopardy of falling into worse repair without public support.  After years of support from hundreds of volunteers and generous donors, these programs, facilities and services now need public help.”

Editor’s note: These questions will be reprinted in a series this week, Oct. 11-16, and can be viewed in their entirety in a sidebar to the right of the main posts, “Parks & Rec District FAQ’s)

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