By Milene Henley
County Auditor

Deputy Rob Nou will be San Juan County’s new sheriff.  In election night returns, he had a commanding lead of 65% versus 34% for Deputy Brent Johnson.

In Council races, incumbent Bob Myhr holds a narrow 18-vote lead over Jamie Stephens for County Council member from District 6, and incumbent Rich Peterson defeated challenger Laura Jo Severson to hold onto his seat in District 2.  Myhr garnered 628 votes, or 50.52%, compared to 610 votes, or 49.07%, for Stephens; Peterson had 53.4% compared to Severson’s 43.5%.  District 6 is comprised of Lopez, Shaw, Decatur, and Blakely Islands; District 2 is the north end of San Juan Island.

Patty Miller ran unopposed for Council member from District 5, the east side of Orcas Island.  She will assume the seat currently held by Gene Knapp.

Orcas Rec’s proposal to impose a 10% levy to support recreation programs on Orcas Island failed.  Although the measure received almost 55% of the vote, the levy required a super-majority of 60% to pass.

The fireworks referendum, which aimed to overturn the Council’s 2008 vote to outlaw most fireworks in San Juan County, lost again.  The referendum, which was also on the general election ballot last November, was run again after Superior Court Judge Don Eaton threw out the last results earlier this year because of an election technicality.

Assessor Charles Zalmanek, Auditor Milene Henley, Clerk Joan White, Prosecutor Randy Gaylord, Treasurer Jan Sears, District Court Judge Stewart Andrew, and Superior Court Judge Donald Eaton all won in uncontested races.

As of Tuesday night, the San Juan County Elections Office had processed 58.78% of the votes.  According to Auditor Milene Henley, only the Myhr and Stephens race is close enough to possibly change with the counting of additional ballots.

In state and district races, local voters supported Senator Patty Murray, Congressman Rick Larson, and State Representative Jeff Morris for re-election.  Newcomer Kristine Lytton, running for retiring State Representative Dave Quall’s spot, also got the local nod.  For full local, district, and statewide election results, go to, and click on “Election Results.”