Funding loan from Orcas Port under consideration

By Mindy Kayl

Orcas Park and Recreation is well on its way to being an entity that will be able to channel community donations and good will into recreational opportunities for the Orcas community.

At the regular Orcas Island Park and Recreation District (OIPRD) meeting on June 9, the District Commissioners benefited from a deep discount and donors to obtain surplus equipment from the county.  County Council member Richard Fralick related that County Auditor Milene Henley had declared the goods surplus and they were offered at 10 percent of their evaluated worth — the minimum surplus value by law.

The final price then was about $350, but OIPRD will not have to pay any of it; as there are already three different donors that have offered to pay for the equipment. The donations that have been offered caused the OIPRD Board to discuss setting up a fund that would allow donors to earmark donations specifically for the purchase of new equipment.

The next topic of discussion was the transfer of ownership of Buck Park from the school to the OIPRD. There has been ongoing discussion and negotiations between the Orcas Island School District and OIPRD. There are a few details left to settle, among them the cost of water. Both or one of the parties will be renegotiating their agreement with Eastsound Water Users Association in November. OIPRD Commissioner Bob Eagan suggested “we should be able to negotiate a lower rate because it is non-potable water that is used to water the fields.” Along with the transfer of ownership OIPRD will take on the responsibility of maintenance, scheduling use of the fields and the collection of fees.

Also in the works for this new district (created by Orcas voters in November, 2009, is resurfacing the tennis courts. District Commissioner Martha Farish is actively seeking grant money from the United States Tennis Association for the project. The new surfaces would be painted with lines for both regular tennis and quick start tennis. OIPRD Commissioners emphasized they want to see this project completed this summer.

More financial support for Orcas Parks and Recreation has come in the form of a grant from the Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) for $2,500, to pay for initial insurance.

Farish planned to discuss a possible loan of $65,000 from the Port of Orcas to the Rec District at a Port Commissioners meeting later on Thursday. (The OIPRD will have a special meeting on Monday, June 13 at Enzo’s Cafe in Eastsound from 9 to 10 a.m. to discuss the loan agreement, available at

For more information about past and future meetings visit the OIPRD website at

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