— by Margie Doyle, Publisher and Historian —

2015 Stories and Links — an incomplete list, browse our archives (go to the link in the left-hand sidebar) and add your interests:

Southern resident orcas increase, with an uptick in southern-resident killer whales born — eight new calves born since Dec. 30 2014, bringing the number to 85.

Washington State Ferries implements the Ferry Reservation system on the Anacortes-San Juans route; in April, the system was overloaded to the point of shutdown https://theorcasonian.com/wsf-reservations-system-simply-on-overload

  • Adding to the wrinkles being ironed out in the ferry reservation system, the Elwha  was out for the summer in July, just as the Samish began route operatons:  orcasissues.com/elwha-out-for-the-summer 
  • State Legislature awards $760,000 to develop a park and ride facility on  4.5 acres of state-owned property adjacent to the ferry staging area at Orcas Landing, due to Council member Rick Hughes successfully lobbying efforts: orcasissues.com/relief-for-parking-transportation-problems-at-orcas-landing

Orcas Power and Light Cooperative (OPALCO) acquires Rock Island Communications. Rock Island will merge its staff, infrastructure and operations with OPALCO “to deliver modern, scalable and reliable broadband services”

County Council work:

Fuel leaks in residential/service light industrial Seaview Street, cause evacuation of area

  • Propane leak from VanderYacht Propane service light industrial zone at north end of Seaview Street in Eastsound occurs
  • Second fuel spill at Vanderyacht Propane property on Seaview Street this year: orcasissues.com/weary-responders-save-the-day

Orcas Fire and Rescue Chief Kevin O’Brien leaves to become Fire Chief at Lake Stevens, Wash.: orcasissues.com/chief-kevin-obrien-says-farewell-and-thanks
Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Commissioners appoint Mik Preysz as new  Chief: orcasissues.com/fire-commissioners-appoint-preysz-as-permanent-chief

Orcas Island Artworks was finally welcomed home to the historic Strawberry Building in Olga, devastated by arson in July of 2013. The Catkin Cafe opens in the building:   orcasissues.com/artworks-re-opened-in-olga

Orcas Recycling Services/ TheExchange

  orcasissues.com/breaking-news-council-reallocates-funding after significant public input.

Dinosaur fossil found: An 80 million years old bone that researchers determined was part of the left femur of a theropod dinosaur was discovered on the shores of Sucia Island State Park. The fossil measures 16.7 inches long and 8.7 inches wide. By comparing the bone to other museum fossils, Burke Museum scientists calculated that the femur was likely over 3 feet long, just smaller than that of a tyrannosaurus rex:  orcasissues.com/dinosaur-bones-found-on-sucia-island

OPAL Trust holds public meetings to discuss plans for a 30+ units affordable rental housing on four acres on the east side of North Beach Road across from the Funhouse:  orcasissues.com/opal-affordable-housing-meeting-asks-what-could-go-right-or-wrong

Orcas Island School District

Orcas Public Library moves ahead with its expansion project, “The Next Chapter:” https://theorcasonian.com/orcas-library-signals-decisive-start-to-expansion-project

The Orcas Interfaith Council of Churches opens an overnight cold-weather shelter at the Orcas Island Community Church: orcasissues.com/churches-unite-for-cold-weather-shelter

Mountain bike designed for quadriplegics by Spencer Sare, delivered to Jordan Griffin in December. You can still contribute to the campaign to help Mountain bike designed for quadriplegics by Spencer Sare, delivered to Jordan Griffin in December. You can still contribute to the campaign to help

Orcas Boosters Club and others help private funding campaign to develop an “athletic”  four-wheeled full suspension mountain bike specialized for paraplegics: orcasissues.com/Griffin-and-Sare-campaign-for-athletic-wheelchair

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