— from the Orcas Island Public Library–

The Orcas Island Library Board of Trustees has entered into two key advisory agreements, indicating the library expansion project, Books and Beyond: The Next Chapter, is transitioning from planning to execution. Liz LeRoy is providing owner representation services for the project. Alexander Conrad is the public awareness campaign advisor. “Adding Liz and Alexander to our project team is an important milestone for the project,” remarked Library Board President, Donna Riordan. “The value of their services will not only help us develop the project on-time and on-budget, but will also ensure that the community is kept aware of progress along the way.”

Liz is a licensed architect who runs an advisory firm, Alliance Construction Management, in Seattle. You may recognize her name; Liz has recently acted in a similar role for the Orcas Island School District’s bond construction project. Liz earned accolades from stakeholders in the School District and community for managing that large project to an on-time and on-budget conclusion. Liz will manage the master project schedule and key contractual relationships for the Library expansion.

Alexander is a lifelong island visitor and now full-time resident. He’s recently shifted his entrepreneurial skills and experience to non-profit projects on Orcas. Alexander is currently a Board Trustee for the Orcas Island Community Foundation and the Olga Strawberry Council. He’s currently working with OPAL to develop a business plan for a Community Loan Fund on the island, and is a new volunteer recruit at OIFR. Alexander will create a public awareness campaign for the project.

Books and Beyond: The Next Chapter, is now well underway with the addition of Liz and Alexander. Eight architectural firms responded to the library’s recent request for qualifications for the project. A review committee is now interviewing firms with a decision to award a contract likely in September. Selection of an architectural firm is a key step towards establishing a concrete timeline and final budget for the project.

Significant funds are already in place for the project. Senator Ranker helped secure $1.4 million in capital funds from the state’s 2016-2017 budget. Bob Henigson bequeathed more than $1.3 Million to the Library through the Friends of the Library. In addition, the Friends have pledged an additional $100,000 and numerous other generous donations have brought the total to nearly $3 Million. While we are close, the project is not yet fully funded. An estimated final 10% of the project budget still needs to be raised.

The Library looks forward to engaging with the island community. Soon, a series of advisory committees regarding the project will be announced ranging from technology to programs to collections. This will be an excellent opportunity to lend your voice to the project. Library Director, Phil Heikkinen is also always available to answer questions about the project: pheikinnen@orcaslibrary.org