— by Justin Paulson for the Orcas Booster Club —

Jordan Griffin's friends are building a better wheelchair for him and others

Jordan Griffin’s friends are building a better wheelchair for him and other paraplegic athletes

Sometimes our athletes shine well after their time in our program. In fact, isn’t that is kind of the point of it all?

We have a lot of pretty fantastic success stories, but I think this one may be one of my favorites.

Jordan Griffin and Spencer Sare, who were teammates on the field, continue to work with and for each other in the name of sport. Even more importantly, what they are creating may one day revolutionize what is possible for para and quadriplegic athletes. Pretty amazing. Thank you to our former Viking Athletes for pushing the envelope! Check it out and maybe give a little support.
Click HERE to support Downhill Bike for Paraplegic by Spencer Sare

Spencer Sare writes on the Go Fund Me website:

“In December of 2008, Jordan Griffin, a close friend of mine, severed his spinal cord while attempting a front flip on a snowboard. After witnessing how his injury has affected him over the past six years, it has become apparent that there is a major lack of high adrenaline activities for paraplegics. Jordan, who was once a sponsored snowboarder, passionate biker, and the most active person I knew, is now confined to a wheelchair due to the lack of accessible activities.

“Myself, along with a team of four Washington State University senior mechanical engineering students will design a four-wheeled full suspension mountain bike specialized for paraplegics. Since each paraplegic has specific needs, we will need to tailor this bike specifically to Jordan.

(to read the full story, go to https://www.gofundme.com/fourcrossjordan)