Monday, Feb. 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Public Library

— by Margie Doyle –

Impact on Issues -- concerned about gun safety, environmental health, money in politics, immigration? Come to the evening gatherings of the Orcas Island sub-group of the League of Women Voters

Impact on Issues — concerned about gun safety, environmental health, money in politics, immigration? Come to the evening gatherings of the Orcas Island sub-group of the League of Women Voters

Those interested in grass-roots influence in local, regional and national government are invited to join the Orcas sub-group of the League of Women Voters in monthly conversations about government.

Last month, Orcas Islanders talked about what we can do to advance gun control and safety; voting rights and voter participation, among other topics. LWV member Keith Whitaker said later, “I am … specifically interested in encouraging participation in our democracy. I’m afraid that the number of people who don’t bother to vote is far greater than those who are prevented or dissuaded from voting. I think there is an active minority of anti-democracy folks who work very hard, manufacturing the message that ‘voting doesn’t mean anything’, or that it is unnecessary.

“True, this is probably the same people who are interfering with voting rights in an organized way, but I think it is still true that a mobilized and participatory majority of the general public will still carry the day, even when others are trying to stack the deck.”

National programs, as described on the national website, are:

Starting point for the conversations will be “Impacts on Issues,” the LWV official policy position statements for each program area, briefly tracing significant past actions and achievements, and indicating links among positions.

The online edition of “Impacts on Issues” can be found at

as well as a download-able pdf of the document:

The Orcas sub-group was formed four years ago as part of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans, whose monthly board and membership meetings are regularly held on San Juan Island. The Orcas sub-group has brought election forums under LWV auspices to Orcas Island during election campaigns.

Now, mindful of the historic impact LWV has had on United States’ government (changing the U.S. Constitution in 1920 to authorize women’s right to vote), the Orcas sub-group plans to hold discussions on the LWV national programs the third Monday of each month. The conversational gatherings will be held at the Public Library from 6 to 8 p.m., with reference to the LWV national and local programs as they apply to Orcas Islanders.

All LWV members, present and past, of the Orcas sub-group of the LWV-SJs are encouraged to attend; and all interested parties are most welcome also. Membership in the LWV is not required.

Margie Doyle is a member of the LWV-SJs board.