Beginning Sunday, Sept. 25 at 10:30 a.m.

The Orcas Island Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship invites the community to a “Taste of Unitarian Universalism” program and potluck on Sunday, September 25th at the West Sound Community Hall beginning at 10:30 am. The service will be presented by Reverend Barbara Gilday of Bellingham and will be followed by a potluck lunch. All are welcome.

Services are offered on the second and fourth Sundays of each month beginning at 11:00 am (except for occasional special meeting times—such as Sunday 9/25 which begins at 10:30 am) at the West Sound Community Hall. Services include music, readings, meditation, a presentation and coffee/social time. Although there is not a separate children’s program, services are appropriate for all ages and children are welcome. Other programs scheduled for this fall include:

  • October 9th: “Singing Us Home,” with Sharon Abreu
  • October 23rd: “Covenant Group,” with Susan McBain
  • November 11th: “Veteran’s Day” with Michael Ream
  • November 24th: “Thanksgiving Service and Dinner”
  • December 11th: “Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education” with Suzanne Olson
  • December 24th: “Candlelight Service”

For more information, please call Suzanne Olson at 376-8007 or Michael Ream at 376-2229.

The Orcas Island UU Fellowship was founded in 2003 by Nanette Graham as a group of liberal religious individuals who come together regularly for spiritual enrichment and growth, for intellectual stimulation, for fellowship and to facilitate community action. The Fellowship has no regular minister; services are planned around the talents and inspirations of members and others in the community, as well as visiting ministers and guests.

There are seven principles which Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote: the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity and compassion in human relations; acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; a free and responsible search for truth and meaning; the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large; the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Information on services and activities can be found at Learn more about Unitarian Universalism at

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