The garden of Fritz and Midge Kraetzer will be featured on the Orcas Garden Club Tour June 25 and 26
Updated June 11 at 11:45 a.m.
By Sue Lewis
The Orcas Island Garden Club hosts the annual garden tour “Orcas in Bloom” on June 25th and 26th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Beautiful woodlands, ornamental shrubs and perennials, a seaside garden, ponds, and 80 to 100 year old heirloom orchard trees are just some of the myriad of beautiful sights that can be seen at the six gardens this year.
A. Midge and Fritz KRAETZER Garden
This lovely woodland property along the north shore offers a large
fenced garden with a variety of ornamental shrubs and perennials, heaths
and heathers, maples, fruit trees and a vegetable garden. Visit the
seaside garden and enjoy the breathtaking view.
B. Bill WULFF Garden
Explore this beautiful woodland property with fenced garden featuring
ornamental shrubs and trees, climbing vines, fruit trees and mixed
perennials. Visit the vegetable and herb gardens and stop at the large
fenced vineyard. Linger at the pond to watch for leaping rainbow trout.
C. Jeffri COLEMAN & Michael RIVKIN Garden
Located at Crow Valley Pottery, this historic homestead property offers a
fenced garden with ornamental shrubs and perennials, charming sheds
and whimsical garden art. Special features include a memorial garden,
an heirloom orchard and unusual plants imported from Europe.
D. Barbara and Steve SPENCE Garden
Lovely rock gardens at this unfenced sunny waterfront property feature
native plants, ornamental trees and shrubs and mixed perennial beds. The
fenced garden contains vegetables beds, cutting flowers, roses, berry
cages and fruit trees. Don’t miss the replica of a real suspension bridge.
E. Phyllis and Robert HENIGSON Garden
This sunny property with water view offers a large fenced garden with
ornamental shrubs, trees, mixed perennial beds and a swimming pool.
Another fenced garden contains berry cages, vegetable beds and a
greenhouse. Take the woodland path to visit the fenced cutting garden.
F. Fred WHITRIDGE Garden
An expansive fenced property along the shoreline offers numerous
gardens and panoramic water views. Explore rock gardens filled with
ornamental shrubs and mixed perennials. Stroll through the wisteria
arbor to visit the reflecting pool. This former dairy farm houses a barn,
chicken coop, antique farm machinery, ponds and extensive orchards.
Tickets are $20 and are available now at Darville’s Book Store, Smith & Speed Mercantile, Driftwood Nursery, and at the Master Gardener’s booth at the Farmers Market. Tickets will also be available at Island Market or any garden on the day of the tour. The ticket includes a map and short description of the property. The gardens may be seen in any order
For more information about the Orcas Island Garden Club visit www.orcasislandgardenclub.org.
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