— from Kim Kimple for Orcas Fire & Rescue —

Pictured (from left to right) are new Orcas Island Firefighters: Micki Nichols, Locket Goodrich, Brittney Maruska, La Ren Rossie, Will Marlow, and Kimberley Kimple. Not pictured are Alison Dantzler, Kasey Jo Weigley, and Betsy Wilson (EMT).

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue (OIFR) welcomed eight volunteer firefighters at the end of June after completing the department’s 16-week fire academy. The class, consisting of 6 women and 2 men, spent weeknights and Saturdays establishing firefighting skills and have each been assigned to one of seven stations located throughout the island. 

Also joining OIFR is new volunteer EMT, Betsy Wilson, who graduated EMT Academy on San Juan Island this spring, and received her certification in June. 

“It’s great to have new members on board,” shared OIFR Volunteer Coordinator, Jim ‘Mac’ McCorison, “The group worked hard to get through intense training and we are proud to have them with us.” 

While the academy has ended, the training never stops. OIFR members gather throughout the month to conduct drills – keeping skills fresh and remaining ready to serve the Orcas Island community when the call goes out. 

Pictured (from left to right) are new Orcas Island Firefighters: Micki Nichols, Locket Goodrich, Brittney Maruska, La Ren Rossie, Will Marlow, and Kimberley Kimple. Not pictured are Alison Dantzler, Kasey Jo Weigley, and Betsy Wilson (EMT).