Nicole Munson-Sanders, left, and Erin O'Dell, ready to help islanders "Love, Talk and Play" through the Orcas Family Connections Family Resource Center in the new Kaleidoscope Annex. They will be holding an Open House today, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 1291 North Beach Road

Orcas Family Connections officially opens its doors as a full-service Family Resource Center this afternoon at its new location in the Kaleidoscope Annex on North Beach Road.

Orcas Family Connections  (OFC) was formed with the leadership from most of the island childcare organizations, known formerly as the Early Childhood Consortium. Sage McLeod, Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (EACAP) director for San Juan County and Erin O’Dell, OFC Family Advocate, shepherded its growth from an agency that offered support solely to families with children birth to five, to an organization that offers support and resource referral to all who seek help. Food Stamp application assistance, Medical Transportation aid, and Mental Health and Wellness Support through San Juan County government funding are a few of the programs available through OFC.

It achieved non-profit status last year, and has benefited from grants and donations from the Orcas Island Community Foundation and the Gates Foundation, among other donors. The offices were built with donated labor from Terra Firma Construction and the community, as part of the process of expanding Kaleidoscope Childcare Center with an Infant-Toddler classroom.

Amber Paulsen, Director of Kaleidoscope, serves as the Chairman of the Board of the OFC Family Resource Center. Nicole Munson-Sanders, Financial Manager of Kaleidoscope, also works part-time at OFC as Office Manager.

Erin O’Dell, who is fluent in Spanish and also works as a translator, is the OFC Family Support Specialist at 20 hours a week. “We strive to fufill a full time community need in part-time hours,” she says. “We do the best we can.”

Work involves home visits, collaboration with the public school and library in program support, translation support, facilitating the Kindergarten Transition Program, Mommy and Baby Program, Working Connections applications, mental health referrals, Food Bank facilitation,  obtaining needed jackets and shoes,  and helping Island Market with the Christmas Giving Tree.

“The more families we help to achieve stability, the more prosperous our island becomes,” said O’Dell

OFC is conducting a membership drive to “increase awareness of who we are and the services we offer to our community.”  The drive includes incentives at annual membership levels from $25 “Friends” to $1,00 “Heroes.”  With membership comes quarterly discount coupons in collaboration with local businesses and organizations and a membership newsletter — and an OFC Family Resource Center window decal.

Memberships are tax deductible donations and can be sent to PO Box 931, Eastsound WA 98245.

The OFC Resource Center will be open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. The phone number is 376-3184. A website is in development.  The public is invited to check out the new office at an open house today, September 28 from 5:30-6:30.

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