"Orcas Eyes" show by OICC at Orcas Center through September.The Orcas Island Camera Club (OICC) show this year is called “Orcas Eyes.” This third annual OICC show is at Orcas Center and runs through September.

The show is an opportunity for the club to share their work with the community.  Images will be shown throughout the lobby and Madrona room.

There will be an opening reception starting at 5:30 p.m. on Friday September 3rd at Orcas Center. The reception is a party and a chance to meet some of the photographers and enjoy the images in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. You can catch the show through the end of September during normal Orcas Center open hours and during live performances at the center. See www.orcascenter.org for open hours, performance schedules and to order tickets for live performances.

OICC is a thriving club full of enthusiastic photographers running the gamut from beginner to veteran professionals and academics. It is a place where photographers can get together to share their passion. If you are interested in photography and would like to meet others of a like mind go to one of the OICC meetings. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month,  7 p.m. at Orcas Senior Center.

Visit the OICC  web site at www.orcasislandcameraclub.org for more information about the club. Contact martin@ednagallery.com if you have any questions or would like to join the OICC mailing list.

"Candy" an image by OICC member Mike Macksey

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