October 14 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

From Gretchen Krampf

In November 2011, a few islanders hosted the first gathering of the Orcas Community Council (O.C.C.) to discuss the ballot issue of Solid Waste on Orcas Island.   On October 14th, the conversation continues as we explore the issues, on the November ballot and in our communities, that impact those of us living on a rural island in the Salish Sea.   The O.C.C. is a place for community members to share what is on their hearts and minds, their programs and projects, and explore opportunities for creating positive outcomes to improve our island lives.

Orcas Community Council, a project of Thrive Orcas Island, is an open conversation, co-facilitated by islanders, using the Peer Spirit process shared by Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, who draw upon traditional council principles.  The O.C.C. meets at the Eastsound Fire Hall from 4:00-6:00 PM and community members, 18 and older, are invited.