It’s often difficult to be optimistic when faced with the current state of the world, but we gardeners are a lucky lot. We have the good fortune to naturally see possibilities. With hope and positivity, we look beyond the weeds to what might be. Gardens are places of uncertainty and experimentation with dilemmas to solve, but we’re generally resilient folk and make the most of the learning to come. At times we can be fearless.
We use creativity and hope to design our gardens. Every January, we scour over seed catalogs and websites, eager to give it another go next growing season. When we plan our gardens, we look out over a frost covered dead mass of plants and visualize lush flowers and bountiful rows of vegetables.
Phyllis Pugnetti in her article “Yakima County Master Gardeners: The Ultimate Act of Optimism.”
Pugnetti compellingly articulates the essence of gardening as an optimistic pursuit. She states, “Instinctively, we know that acquiring food is the most crucial thing that humans do. The act of planting a seed says that you plan to be here in two months to eat the tomatoes, or in 20 years to eat the apples from the tree that you planted, because planting a seed may be the ultimate act of optimism.” This perspective elevates the act of gardening from a mere routine to a profound expression of faith in the future.”
Gardening trends give me a little spring in my step too about the world. The global gardening community is adopting more sustainable practices like using alternatives to peat. More and more home gardeners are embracing the concept of rewilding and incorporating more native plants to restore ecosystems and support beneficial creatures. We can all be proud to be saving the world, one garden at a time. My advice? Take advantage of your gift of optimism. Focus on gratitude. Surround yourself with nature and people that make you happy and nurture not only your garden but also your hope, positivity and friendships.
Wishing you all warm wishes and positive thoughts.
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