— from Teresa Chocano —

Like spring on our gorgeous Orcas Island, visiting in a Montessori classroom any day of the year, is like witnessing Spring! There is a beauty, vibrancy, delight, and excitement in each child as they experience what and who they are becoming. An observer can’t help feeling the same excitement watching the peaceful dance of the children interacting, teaming, teaching, learning from each other, and sharing their discoveries. This all happens mostly peacefully and playfully – just like the explosion now happening in nature around us here.

We invite you to experience this wonder and come visit our classroom to watch spring happen right before your eyes/ears/and heart! To make a reservation for a short visit, call 376-5350.

We also invite you to be a part of the growth and evolution of these young ones by coming to our Dinner/Auction Under the Sea Celebration Apr. 29 at Random Howse. Their education is sponsored, to an amazing degree, by the generosity of the people who understand what this education will do for their entire lives, and, consequently our world. Tickets are available at Darvills.

One of the values encouraged in the Montessori experience is contributing to others. The School’s Board offers 3, free, public workshops this spring to inspire healthy conversations in families of any composition. The last one happens May 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Station. To understand what makes your family tick and to learn how you can influence wanted changes, learn from Dr. Mary Anne Owen, a retired psychotherapist and organizational consultant. Free child care for young children whose parents attend. This workshop is for people of any age interested in family harmony.

Please post this event on your calendar and your events page. Calendar: (to be in April 26th edition) “The Ties that Bind” where “bind” is both the good news and the bad! Respect for the evolutionary process of parenting. A free public workshop sponsored by the Orcas Montessori School with Dr. Mary Anne Owen.

Eastsound Fire Station, 5:30-7:00 p.m. May 10. Reserve for free childcare while you attend ASAP at 376-5350.

Also please post on calendar: Orcas Montessori Spring Auction/Dinner – Under the Sea Celebration, Saturday, April 29, 6 p.m. at Random Howse. Tickets available at Darvills or Orcas Montessori School, 376-5350.

Submitted by VP of the Montessori School Board, Marti Monroe, Ph.D., with the approval of the director, Teresa Chocano.