– by Susan McBain —

Left to right, new firefighters Kathryn Bernard, Marlen Islas, Barry Gehl, Caleb Weichert, Caroline Wiltz, and Paul Andersson, and new EMTs Lisa Steckley, Roz Montgomery, and Brett McFarland)

Nine newly trained recruits, five women and four men, were sworn in as members of Orcas Island Fire and Rescue (OIFR) on April 16 at the Board of Fire Commissioners (BOFC) monthly meeting. Chief Scott Williams administered the oath to the six new firefighters and three new EMTs. He noted that each member had completed hundreds of hours of training at OIFR’s training academies during the winter and had passed state tests. Describing himself as “proud and happy,” he complimented both groups on their teamwork during training and joined in the welcoming applause for their achievements.

Commissioners Jim Helminski and Tim Fuller were present at the meeting, and Commissioner Wes Heinmiller attended by phone. The meeting began with a number of public comments on the continuing issues of the BOFC’s public comment policy and availability of documents. Commenters were concerned about having only one public comment period, placing it at the beginning of the meeting, and requiring those wishing to comment to sign in before a meeting with name and email/mailing address. Commenters also wondered why draft proposals for possible approval at a board meeting were not available to the public before the approval vote. Board policy is to publish only documents that have been approved. (For more on these issues, see this Orcas Issues post from March 26, 2018.)

Board Secretary Marla Johns then read her letter to the BOFC related to the issues of meeting notices, provision of draft documents to the public, and cancellation of meetings. Johns had consulted the Washington State Fire Commission, state RCWs and the Open Meetings Act at the request of Commissioner Heinmiller to respond to these issues. The letter clarifies the requirements that the board must meet on these issues. The letter is available on the new OIFR website; choose About, then choose Board Documents.

Chief Williams reported that call volumes continue to increase. OIFR is continuing to upgrade its software and services, and most approved documents are now available for download from the new website within a few days after approval. Station maintenance and apparatus upgrades are continuing as part of what Williams called “a building year” of investing in the department. He commended Patrick Shepler, RJ Myers and Alan Stameisen on their community education efforts in CPR and Stop the Bleed classes.

Committee reports followed. The Policy Committee will begin with development of administrative policies, which will be reviewed by department staff before submission to the commissioners for approval. Policies on standard operating procedures and guidelines will follow. The process will take many months, but commissioners feel that clear guidance on department policies and practices will increase efficiency and lessen the chance of litigation.

The Finance Committee reported that the streamlined budget process and format are much more understandable than before. Spending for the first quarter was 24% of annual expenditures, slightly below the expected 25%. The Union Negotiating Committee is currently setting up a regular schedule of meeting dates between the committee and the union. The Strategic Planning Committee has not yet met.

The meeting was continued to Monday, April 23, for signing of documents. The next regular meeting will be May 21 at 5:30 p.m.

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