Saturday, November 15, 5:30 p.m., Olga Community Club

— from Jan Ehrlichman —

Come to a Holiday Bazaar!

The Olga Potluck, usually on the second Saturday of the month, is going to be on Saturday, November 15th.

This is going to be a special potluck because besides having a wonderful turkey dinner with all the fixings, there is going to be a mini-bazaar at the Olga Community Club.  Any Olga Community Club member who has handmade goods to sell, may participate in this bazaar.

Please contact Betty Marcum (376-2869) if you are interested in selling something at the November 15th potluck.  Social hour and the bazaar will begin at 5:30 PM and dinner will be served at 6:30 PM.  Please bring a side dish or a dessert in keeping with Thanksgiving fare.