From the Friends of the San Juans

Saturday, Sept. 8, 12:30-3:30 p.m., San Juan County Fairgrounds

Rally to protest the shipping of coal and tar sands oil in the Salish Sea will be held at San Juan County Fairgrounds on Saturday, Sept. 8

FRIENDS of the San Juans is mobilizing the community to show that San Juan Islanders are ready to take action and protect the Salish Sea from the impacts of coal and tar sands exporting.

During the rally, participants will learn more about the issue during a panel discussion from 12:30-2 p.m, with:

  • Dr. Val Viers (PhD), who will discuss the impacts of shipping noise on the Southern Resident killer whales.  Val is a retired professor and participates in the SeaSoundRemoteSensingNetwork, a partnership of NOAA/NMFS, OrcaSound, Beam Reach, The Whale Museum and others.
  • Aaron Sanger (MS, JD), who will discuss tar sands and impacts of transporting tar sands through the Salish Sea.  Aaron is the Director of U.S. Campaigns for ForestEthics.
  • Fred Felleman (MS), who will be speaking on the impacts of vessel traffic in the San Juans and marine impacts associated with the proposed Cherry Point coal terminal outside of Bellingham.  Fred is a marine consultant with FriendsoftheEarth and wildlife photographer.

Then musician Dana Lyonswill perform a special “No Coal” benefit concert.  This is the official kick-off concert for Dana’s “Great Coal Train Tour.”