As a certified Connection Practice Coach, I am so pleased to be able to offer you a coaching session at no charge during the Global Connection Practice Weekend happening this coming weekend, May 22 & 23!

If you would like to try out the Connection Practice, with a free one-hour coaching session this coming weekend, please sign up HERE. And you can request me as your coach!

I became a certified Connection Practice trainer, coach and curriculum instructor back in 2012, after providing music for a Connection Practice foundations course. I was so impressed with the practice that I was inspired to get certified and be able to share it far and wide.

The Connection Practice incorporates the basics of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and the basic biofeedback processes from the HeartMath Institute. Using the basics of these two well-established practices side-by-side, the Connection Practice is a simple yet transformative way of consciously processing through emotions so that we can more comfortably and successfully deal with so many of life’s challenges, both challenges within ourselves and conflicts with other people. It helps to improve our internal state, our ability to perform under pressure, and our relationships with others.

I highly recommend the Connection Practice, and this weekend, the 2nd Annual Global Connection Practice Weekend, is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of a coaching session at no charge. I am joyfully gifting my services to help more people learn the Connection Practice! You will learn the whole basic practice in this one hour coaching session.

The Connection Practice has helped me personally in so many situations, dealing with internal issues that I previously had difficulty resolving, and in relationships with other people, including my own father. Throughout my life I had a difficult relationship with my dad and, to my surprise, the Connection Practice helped me develop empathy for him. I was then able to communicate  better with him. He had been an angry, very critical parent. After I learned the Connection Practice and was able to put it into practice, my father ended up actually thanking me for helping him through a conflict he was having!

So if you would like some emotional support around any issue that might be up for you right now, I encourage you to register for a free coaching session.

It is a great honor and pleasure to help people become more confident in managing their inner lives. If you know someone that needs support, please feel free to pass this message along so they can sign up for the gift of a coaching session.

In addition, I want to invite you to sign up for the online course, Inner Wellness, which will be taught by my mentor, founder of the Connection Practice, Rita Marie Johnson. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at connectionpracticecoach@gmail.com or a Connection Practice staff member at info@connectionpractice.org.When all of us reach out, we create a more connected world!  

Thanks for reading this, and I hope you’ll sign up to do a coaching session with me this coming weekend!