First session: Story of the SV Golden Rule

Friday, January 3, 1:15 p.m., Orcas Senior Center

— from Lena Kassa —

In the face of overwhelming power, it is often the smallest things that have the biggest effect. The story of the sailing vessel SV Golden Rule is an example of an important action all but forgotten in the fog of history. In 1958, the US military was testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere over the Marshall Islands. In protest, a group of Quakers purchased a small sailboat intending to sail it into the nuclear test zone. Come hear Norman Petersen tell the story of the revival of the SV Golden Rule that is now unfolding.   

With the success of the Meeting of the Minds lecture series, now in its second season, the Senior Center is proud to announce the launching of a second lecture series, entitled “Connecting the Dots.” The theme for 2020 will be Connecting the Dots of History. The Story of the SV Golden Rule launches this new series, which will be on the first Friday of every month, starting at 1:15 p.m. Please join us in on Friday, 3 January to hear this interesting story.